
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Greetings from Kenya

Pastor Francis Ngugi of Nairobi, Kenya, sends our church his greetings and reports on his ministry:

Precious greetings in Jesus Name!
I and family we are doing fine and are steadfastly doing the work of the Lord here in Kenya.

My kids are back home for December Holiday to resume in January this year.

I am preaching my heart out spreading the Gopspel of Jesus Christ. Right now am expounding the "Sermon On The Mount" in Mathew 5-7.
The Sunday of 28th Nov. I preached on: BLESSED PERSECUTIONS, from Mt.5:10-12. They are called blessed persecutions because men's curses and revilings results from Christ's blessings to the victimized:Jesus taught that those who exhibit gogly lifestyle silently rebukes and reproves the ungodliness of men thus provoking their resentement: The resentment can be expressed in revilings or verbal abuse, defaming and slandering, all aimed at injuring, wounding and paining the godly: such responses is a strong prove of human depravity: It's amazing that men's curses and Christ's blessings should meet in the life of the same person: Persecutions with blessings should be "for Righteousness' sake" and can take the form of annoying, taunting, oppressing and tormenting: This means that one is opposed because of his right living: But there is a CAUTION: A believer should see to it that he is buffeted for right doing and not on account of his own misconduct or foolish
behavior:The words "for righteousness' sake" caution us to see to it that we are opposed and hated solely because we are Christ's followers and practice the truth we profess, but not on account of our own injudicious behavior.

On the sunday of 3rd Dec. I preached on THE ACCEPTABLE STANDARD OF A GOSPEL MINISTER, from Mt.5:13-16. My aim was to sensitize the church on apostasy and how they should discern the right fold to feed on spiritually: Just like a patient mind's the competence of his physical doctor, so should saints mind the expertise of their soul's physicians: Gospel minister's carry the Word which acts like the salt of the earth: It is a thorougher presentation of the Word that gives taste to the souls and lives of men: the figure of salt for the Word is relevant because salt's scientific properties, when applied to raw flesh, has similar results to the Word properly preached to human flesh: Rubbed to injured raw flesh on a human body, salt brings effects of irritation, biting, stinging, corroding, cutting, piercing and so on: Salt also makes our meat tasty and do preserve it from rotting by acting as antiseptic in the sphere of decay: This applied to effects of the Word preached to the souls means this; As salt arrests natural corruptions, so the Word preached militates against human moral corruptions: But if salt be mixed with dust and rubbish, it looses it pungency (sharp taste) and efficacy, same effects with the Word if preached minled with levity, exciting anecdotes, frivolity and cunningness that nullifies its power: Gospel ministers should PREACH SALT AND NOT SUGAR, but then have fortitude to braze the responses of the hearers: this is so because it is contrary to nature for those whose consciences are pricked to be pleased with those who wound them: Preaching it as it is will usher one into trouble like John the Baptist whom Herod jailed for condemning his act of taking the wrong woman: Ministers have to exercise Faithfulness and diligence to preach the real thing even if it may be untasteful like salt: Pulpit has its own dangers if one become menpleaser, yields to the demand for smooth speaking, and
substituting convictiong messages for tickling stories pleasant to the ears of the audience, and being full with trivialities and novelties: Jesus said that if the salt looses its taste tis is good for nothing but to be thrown away to be trampled under feet: Ministers with wrong tendencies makes the salt useless as it looses its taste and acrimony: Such ministers become unprofitable and valuelessto God and man: The consequences it to loose their influence and just like their tasteless salt Word) is good for nothing and get thrown out to be trampled underfoot by me, so do these ministers become irrelevant. Have you ever thought that the Bible has not shown case of those prophets of Old Testamnet and ministers of New Testament who apostatized ever becoming restored? Lets think about it seriously and takr care of ourselves.

I have emailed you family pictures and some for me doing ministry inside the church, and hope you will enjoy seeing them.

I sincerely thank you for your prayers, support, love and encouragement as I preach the Gospel of Christ here in Kenya.
You are treasured beyond words by my family.
With much love I remain.

Your's in the Lord's service,
Pastor Francis Ngugi

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

La Esperanza II (Honduras)

Pastor Josh Wyatt of Charles River Church (formerly of Heritage Bible Chapel) sends the following message and photos from a church building project in Honduras:

I'm sending this message out to any of you who have been involved with the ministry to El Salvador/Honduras and people on the HBC missions committee. Alex Lara (Elder at La Esperanza Church in El Sal) just sent me these pictures of La Esperanza II in Hacienda Grande Honduras.

On our second trip down to Honduras, Pastor Antonio and his wife Letty pulled me aside with a hand-written letter requesting funding to help them build a facility for their growing church plant in Honduras. Many of you remember this day as the day we walked to the river for their first Baptism (21 people if my memory serves me well) and a day many tears of joy were cried. I brought this letter back to the elders at Heritage. In the end HBC gave $10,000 which secured the $4k piece of land for this church building and the extra $6k covered a huge piece of the construction. You will also notice in these pictures that men from the church are doing the work. Many of them lost their jobs as a result of turning from Roman Catholicism to faith in Christ alone. They are able to provide for their families because of the work they get in the construction of this building. Be encouraged by these pictures, be reminded to pray, and please share these with Heritage... it is important for HBC to see their support in action.

Blessing, Josh

Brazil - Dear Ministry Friend Passes Away

Heritage Bible Chapel received the following news today from our ministry partner, Pastor Geraldo Oliveira of Belo Horizonte, Brazil:

Good evinig dear friends,
I received a sad news today, sad because of the miss, but happy because he is with God. My dear friend Pastor Leonardo lmeznar, went at the Glory last night at a church in Pennsylvania on a mission event. He suffered a heart attack when he was preaching and went to be with the Lord in glory. Pastor Leonardo lmeznar was a great friend and collaborator for many years. He came on several occasions to Belo Horizonte, to visited Sr. Fernando Claussen who also was his great friend and brother. Together, we visited the synagogue, both the traditional as orthodoxy. He had a vision for missions and for more than four years helped my family financially, now nearly 90 years, and serving the Lord went to glory.

Pastor Geraldo (right) with Pastor Leonardo

At the evangelism on the street earlier this year, he was there with us, with his advanced age, but on the street sharing the gospel. He had a great love for the Jewish people. For many years kept a little farm in Rio de Janeiro where
he used to received the Jews in order to share about their Messiah. He was one of the translators of the Hebrew to Portuguese of the Trinitarian Bible. Actually he was a great friend.
Please pray for his family. The relatives know he is in glory, but feeling the longing ache, pray that God comforts your hearts. He went to glory last night in a church in a missionary event and exactly yesterday I shared about the heavens and the return of Jesus Christ. Sending some pictures of the last time Iwas with him this year and last year.

A bigger hug,


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Straight Ahead Ministries - A Heartfelt Plea

From Dan Mesher, our local Straight Ahead missionary...please click on his letter to see at full-size. "Nate" desperately needs our prayers, and the light of the Gospel to pierce through his despair:

Gilbert Family Prayer Letter - Fall 2010

Many of Heritage Bible Chapel's congregation had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Luis Gilbert and his family when they visited us in the Spring of 2010 and performed an evangelistic drama during a Sunday worship service. We received the latest of his ministry updates and prayer requests this month:

Beloved Church:

May the Lord continue blessing you greatly in every area of your lives, in
your families, and may you have success in all that you set out to do in the
name of the Lord.

I give thanks to God that He allowed me to get to know you, and that today
you are part of the vital ministry that God has placed in my hands. My family,
without your help, would not be able to provide training for hundreds of
children's Bible teachers throughout all of Guatemala.

Thank you for your prayers. You are the gears that move the hand of God,
and in having your support, we know that God will bless you richly. Please don't
forget to write to us, as this encourages us to move forward in ministry and
also helps us to know how to pray for you all.

September 4th - We were invited to give theatre training
in the Theological Seminary of Central America. 60 students attended. My wife,
Dora, and our daughter, Abigail, accompanied me. This is the seminary
where completed my theological studies.

September 8th - We traveled to San Lucas Toliman in order
to provide trainings for (ELI) the School for Training Children's Leaders. Jaime
Lopez, the director of Sepal, accompanied me. 35 students attended. This took
place in the Bethel Central American Church.

September 17th, 18th, and 19th - We traveled to the city
of San Marcos where we began ELI, providing training for the Assembly of God
churches from ths region. 108 teachers from various denominations attended.
Katherine de Villalobos accompanied me. She is a missionary from Costa Rica.
Abigail, my daughter, also came along as we traveled 250 km. God has been
opening new doors for us.

In the city, my wife, Dora, and my children, Emmanuel and Joshua, attended
the first Internacional Conference for Clowns, where they taught and learned
various new techniques. God gave me the privilege to help set up this event.
Through this event, Emmanuel was invited to attend a Clown Conference in the
United Staes in February of 2011, Lord willing.

September 24th, 25th, and 26th - I traveled to Peten,
about 600 km. outside of Guatemala City. I went to impart theatre training,
making this the third "festival of talent" that has taken place in this area.
The storm Matthew affected us some, but thankfully having this venue has been a
huge blessing and tool in working with youth as 60 youth attended from various
churches. For this activity, I traveled alone.

During the month we have continued to work with some social help
ministries, collecting offerings and help for those who have been affected by
the rains. Please do not forget to pray for the following petitions:

1 - A Christian Education Conference that we will be providing in
Coatepeque, and that pastors will send their Christian educators.

2 - Please pray for the rain that has been affecting these events, making
it harder for children to attend their churches.

3- Pray for the students that are beginning university studies.

4- Pray for the children's education in those countries that have been
devastated by war and poverty.

Thank you again. May the Lord continue blessing your lives.

With much love in the Lord,

The Gilbert Family, Luis and Dora, and their children, Emmanuel, Abigail
and Joshua

Sword of the Spirit Christian Centre (Kenya)

This Fall, Heritage Bible Chapel has begun partnering in ministry with Sword of the Spirit Christian Centre in Limuru, Kenya. Senior Pastor Rev. Francis Ndunhu Ngugi sends regular, detailed updates about his church's ministry of preaching the Gospel and discipling new believers to the Committee via e-mail, and this month we received a gracious handwritten note of appreciation from him (see below).

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ashley Van Dyke's Update from Guatemala

Ashley Van Dyke sends the following field report from Guatemala:


I am in Guatemala right now. We have already been here for about a week. Before that we were in Belize for about 10 days. Belize was very different than a lot of central america. Everyone speaks English, which was different hearing Spanish all the time. The time in Belize was pretty low key. We just helped organize and clean some of the rooms that the base has people stay in.

We are now with a friend, Ryan, who has lived here in Zacapa, Guatemala for the past four years. He is originally from New Hampshire and has come down through his church as a missionary. He has a lot of different ministries he doing here. The beginning of this week, we were constructing a wall that would close of a house to make it more secure. The Florian Family is who we were building the wall for. Their dad was just killed a few weeks ago so the family didn't feel as safe without an enclosed area. We did as much work as we could there and a few other people are finishing it up.

Yesterday was really awesome. Sharon, Ryan and I took the Sunday school class (all girls) up to an old volcano that is full at the top with water to swim in. We hung out there all day and sharon and i shared on being a virtuous women and staying pure, etc. The girls really enjoyed it and thanked us a bunch.

Ryan, who lives here, leads a Bible study every Wed. a church service on sat in a village, and a kids program in another village, and Sunday he leads Sunday school. Before each one of these activities we drive all around town and into a few different villages picking up a bunch of kids. The truck is usually jammed packed! but it is awesome to see how much they love coming to church and all the activities.

Tomorrow we have church then the bible study group is going to get together and help build some houses. There was bad flooding here a few months ago so there a lot of families with no homes. They are just wood small houses but work well for the families.

We will be here in Zacapa for about another week. This town has a lot of hurting people. Alba, is one of the sunday school girls, was in her house a week ago and people barged in shooting guns. Her brother was really hurt. He still has a bullet in his leg but doesnt have enough money for the surgery. There are lots of other stories like these.

I attached a few pictures from the past week.

Thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ministry News and Photos from Brazil

Pastor Geraldo continues his evangelism outreach at Belo Horizonte in Brazil (see pictures below). He writes:

Good evening,

We had a week of hard work here on Belo Horizonte. Our faith has been repeatedly proven, but God has been very gracious to our family and church. A testament of the care of our God was last Monday, after much work with our car and with little gasoline, our fuel ended up on a street with many cars in Belo Horizonte, cars honked behind us, Elaine was with me . But I also had another problem, had no money to buy gasoline. By faith, I pushed the car to the side of the avenue, and went out walking and praying for 15 minutes until a gas station near you. The Elaine was also praying in the car. We ask God for a miracle. We pray that God would move the heart of any brother at that time to deposit some money in our bank so we could supply the car. Arriving at the gas station I phoned the bank again to check the balance and see if the answer of God had arrived. To my delight someone had deposited that very moment, R$ 200 (or U$ 130). I bought petrol and returned to the car running, I put gasoline and after then the car started flow. Hallelujah! Glory to God!

On Wednesday talking to a brother of Florianópolis on skype he told me that on that Monday he was in the bank to make a payment, but the card did not work on self-service, so he had to go to the clerk to pay a account and at that moment he remembered me and my family and had a great desire to put an offer to us before pay account. He did that at exactly the moment that Elaine and I were praying for help for gasoline. He concluded by saying that after making the deposit, the card self-service back to work. When I told him that this offer was the response and provision for us at the moment, he was much edified with the testimony and thanked me. I who had to thank him, but he thanked for having been used by God in that situation. God be praised! We are experiencing the greatest needs in these days, but we're full steam ahead by doing what our God has called us to do. Yesterday Elaine and me got our afternoon in the hospital with sister, Arlinda. She suffered a infarct last week. Yesterday we visit her in the hospital afternoon and were a very blessed time. Pray for her, because she will probably have to pass a heart surgery.

The evangelism today was very blessed; we were me, Elaine, Joel and Natã, many people professed Jesus Christ as Savior. Hallelujah! Please pray with us for evangelism that we will do next week with material for the Jews, to the day commemorating the Jewish New Year.

Pray with us for a provision for our family, we are going through hard days and we need a bailout.

Sending some evangelism photos. Thank you for your love and prayer.

A bigger hug,

Pastor Geraldo, Elaine, Isac, Joel and Natã.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pastor's Conference in Colombia - Photo Album

Pastor Leonel Ortiz, a ministry partner of ours in Colombia, sends this Picasa web album with photos from a Pastors and Pastors' Wives Conference in Villa Vicencio, Colombia:

View entire album as a slideshow by clicking here.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Gilbert Family Prayer Letter - Summer 2010

Ministry news and prayer requests come to us from the Gilbert family of Sepal Ministry in Guatemala this month:

"Dear brother and beloved church:

May the Lord continue blessing your lives, family, and give you success in all that you do in the name of the Lord. Our prayer is that the Lord fills you with joy and wisdom each and every day.

We want to share with you some of the great things that the Lord has done through the ministry that He has blessed us with, and you are a very important part of God's work here.

Report of activities: July 8th

We visited the pastor of the Restoration Church in a town called Zapote at the base of Volcano Pacaya. We vbrought them help for sustaining their ministry and we took pictures to show others in soliciting help to rebuild the roof of their church that fell in due to the great amount of sand dumped on it by the eruption of the volcano. We ask you for your prayers for this servant of the Lord.

Saturday, July 10th

We traveled to Salama, in the department of Baja Verapaz to the town of Cuacuchito. There (with the Church of Universal Prophecy) we started the first classes of ELI and 22 teachers attended. Sister Theresa attended some of the sessions last year, and saw

the results of these teachings. The pastor of this church became very interested and brought all of his church leaders to attend. The road was very difficult to travel now that rivers have been overflowing and running strong. The children helped us to carry boxes of materials to the site as my vehicle just couldn't get up enough strength to be able to travel the rest of the distance. A supervisor from the churches of IDEC in the area of Tactic also attended, and we are now going to begin the ELI Program in that region. God has been faithful in opening doors for ministry.

Sunday, July 11th

We helped a group of students from the University of Biola that is experiencing missions for a month here in Guatemala. We were in Chisec, in the department of Alta Verapaz with the Assembly of God Church there. We worked with children from a town in this region. It was a great time, and was good to spend time with these children. The challenge was that these children do not speak Spanish, only K'echi (a Mayan dialect). In the afternoon we did ministry for children from the Central Church.

Sunday, July 18th

We were invited to the church of Faisanes to teach about the importance of children's ministry and to motivate them to begin the ELI Program in their church.

Monday, July 19th to Friday, July 23rd

We worked with a Sports Ambassadors' team from Mississippi in order to share the Gospel with youth through sports. It was a great experience for the team as they presented the Gospel to hundreds of youth. More than 1,500 students were impacted.

Saturday, July 24th

We traveled to Tumbador, San Marcos, in order to support the children's ministry and to continue to motivate them to take part in the ELI Program. This area lies about 275 kilometers outside of Guatemala City. We worked with more than 50 children there.

Sunday July 25th

We were invited to Berea Church in order to motivate teachers and their children's ministry. We presented the ELI Program. About 60 children attended.

The Lord has given us opportunities to provide social help:

1) We are bringing medicine to Pastor Raul Herrera as he is working alongside his church to provide medical clinics.

2) We are also bringing medicine to a missionary couple, David and Katy Huizt, as they also work in medical ministry providing medical clinics each weekend.

We ask you for your prayers, that each of these activities continues to bear fruit:
1) Pray that the youth that have given their lives to God continue growing in His love.
2) Pray for the teachers that they will continue to practice principles that they have learned.
3) Please pray for those touched by medical clinics that they would know the love of God and that God will continue opening doors in order to receive more donations of medicine.
4) Pray for the lives of future missionaries, the students from Biola University and the Sports Ambassador's team. Pray that the ministry that they have taken part in her in Guatemala will continue to impact them and that they will continue to walk in God's call for their lives.

Don't forget to write to me. I would love to receive news about how you are doing, and this also helps me to better pray for your lives and for your families."

Many hugs from the Gilbert Family,
Dora, Luis, and our children, Emanuel, Abigail, and Yhoshua

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Update from Vanessa in Peru

The following ministry report is from Vanessa LaRoche, Heritage's missionary teacher in Peru.

"August was an exciting month for Tambo and our church in Cusco! This entire month we have been blessed with help from over 5 mission teams from the states, and more to come! During the 2 weeks the T.I.M.E. team from Miami was here about 20 decisions for Christ were made. They performed evangelistic dramas in churches, schools, and special meetings in the name of Tambo de Gozo. Since most on the team were bilingual, the dramas were explained and invitations were given. Hundreds of Spanish tracts were given throughout Pisac and surrounding towns. At IPB after a spe-cial chapel with these dramas and small groups to discuss them, 12 of our students accepted Christ. Three of these decisions were Paola, Flor, and Nira; the girls I had been praying specifically for their salvations!

Iglesia Biblica Bautista Renacer had a triple wedding this month. This wedding was special because three sisters and their “live-ins” decided, after being convicted by the Holy Spirit, that they needed to be officially married. All six have been saved within recent years, but had been living as married couples without the government ceremony which makes it a legal union. This is very common in Peru because civil ceremonies cost money that people don’t want to pay. Two couples have children and the third are expecting their first. It is exciting to see the Lord transforming lives!

Faith Sharing Opportunities

August 1st we had a baptism at Tambo with 9 baptized. Six are from our work in Cusco and three from the work in Pisac. This is the first time in the 5 years of ministry in Pisac that Christians made the decision to be baptized. Many of these new believ-ers brought unsaved family who heard the GospelThe last week of July into August we had our first teen camp at Tambo. Our theme was “Si se Puede!” (Yes, you can).

We taught over the life of Daniel . We had over 60 attend. A sister church from Lima brought youth and work-ers to help in camp. Youth came from Puno,Cusco, and Pisac. Two teens accepted Christ. One young woman, Ybeth had been coming to church and youth meetings for months, but was afraid of what her family would say if she accepted Christ. Her cousin, Susan, led her to the saving knowledge of Christ the second day of camp! She also made the decision to be baptized that Sunday! Ybeth has started discipleship and shared that her unsaved friends keep asking her why she is so happy...It’s because of what Christ has done in her life! About 5 decisions were made to live for Christ as Daniel did, and many gave testimonies of how God worked in their lives.

Each day the campers had 2 workshops. One Evangelistic and the other Biblical. The Evangelistic workshops offered were Drama, Mime, Clowns, and Puppets. The teens chose one workshop and learned how to perform a presentation to share the Gospel. The last day of camp each workshop performed in an open-air program in Pisac. Hundreds came out for the singing, clowns, puppets, mimes, and dramas. At the end we passed out tracts to the audience. It was incredible to see teens get so involved in sharing the Gospel through various forms. They did an amazing job!"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Brazil Evangelistic Ministry (Belo Horizonte)

HBC partners with Pastor Geraldo Oliveira of Greater Grace World Outreach in Brazil. Recently, the video below was posted on YouTube, which highlights moments of their outreach and fellowship with members of Heritage Bible Chapel. (The Third Day song it is set to is also a nice touch).

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

News from Vanessa LaRoche, Pisac, Peru

Vanessa LaRoche is a missionary teacher from Heritage Bible Chapel who is serving for a year in rural Peru.

Ministries of Tambo de Gozo

IPB is going strong!

This month we had the opportunity for our boys to play an exhibition game for Pisac’s semi-pro soccer team, the Pumas. We di-vided the boys into two teams to play soccer be-fore the adults took the field. The Pumas, coached by the father of one of our first graders, played a team led by a very famous coach from Cusco. When the semi-pros took the field each one was holding the hand of one of Tambo’s boys. Many parents came out to watch their sons play and help their daughters cheer.

June 21st was Pisac’s anniversary. To celebrate the town holds an annual parade. Every school and organization of Pisac marches in the parade; Tambo was no exception. Our students spent a few days practicing and did a splendid job representing our school. We carried the Peruvian flag and the flag of Tambo which are the colors of the wordless book.

Chapel has been enriched by four college students from the U.S. this month. These students are working as interns for the Dukes for ten weeks. The kids love them and they are gaining great ministry experience. Groups or individuals are always welcome at Tambo. We’ve already had three groups come and more groups will come every week until August.

God is blessing our ministries mightily! This past month four men accepted Christ at our Tuesday night Bible study. In our teen meetings, over eight teens accepted the Lord. Several of them are soccer players for Tambo. Two women in Ladies Bible Study asked for prayer because they are unsure of their salvation. Pray for Nancy and Pati as we follow up on them.

Faith Sharing Opportunities

In the beginning of this month I had the pleasure of sharing the Gospel with three of the 4th and 5th grade girls. Their names are Nira, Flor, and Paola. Paola has many, many questions, but I think she is close to making a decision to accept Christ. Please pray for these girls, especially Paola.

Another afternoon during the 9 and 11-year-olds soccer practice I had the opportunity to talk with the mother and grandmother of Alonso, a boy who attends Friday children’s meeting. I was able to share with them the purpose for Tambo and all its ministries and give a little of my testimony.

I visited two homes this month with my ministry team. One visit was to encourage a dear lady in our Tuesday Bible study, Anita. Her husband is unsaved and their marriage is struggling. The other was to one of our 3rd graders’ home. Leslie and her parents are unsaved, but they are very open. Pray that as we de-velop this friendship the door will open to sow the seed on fertile soil.

News of Freedom from Straight Ahead Ministries

Kory Capps writes...

"Dalton started coming to Bible study around 7 months ago. He has been steady since that point. During this time frame the Holy Spirit has intervened in his life and brought Dalton to the Lord Jesus Christ where he has learned true freedom. This last Sunday was Dalton's first weekend pass home to be with his family. Daltom persistently urged me to baptize him during this weekend pass. His reason: "I want the world to know what I'm about now."

"So Sunday morning Dalton brought his whole family to our church where wqe celebrated together the work of Christ in his life and baptized him. There is such a freedom and joy now visible in the life of this young man. His family is astonished as well as his old friends. I hope to post this up on our site so you can see it and rejoice with us.


The Capps"

See Cory's post at the Straight Ahead blog here.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Work on Bulgarian Gospel and Training Center Continues

In June 2010, Pastor Teddi Oprenov of Sofia Baptist Church writes:

"We have been plastering down at the building site for the last three weeks. (see pictures attached). We have now come down with the ordinary walls - to the 1st level of the main building. I am expecting some estimates for the ramp and underground car-park floor works soon. The next stages are – finishing the plastering on floors, some plastering in WC rooms, ramp and floors of the carpark, ceilings on floors 5-6, possibly some WC rooms tiling.

Also, when ready, elevator, floors on every level etc. Main hall will be a separate initiative. The architects are working to further produce assistance and guidance for the different elements. By the way, Luidmil and Diana \the two young architects\ have married recently, so we have now a family helping us with the planning. Lots of joy!"

The church also celebrated a baptism on June 6th, 2010.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Guests from Guatemala

Two brothers in a refugee camp. A mudslide hit 7 years ago.
(Something about the Gilberts' visit....)

CareNet Fitchburg Bottle Drive

The annual bottle drive for the CareNet crisis pregnancy center in Fitchburg is currently underway. Each bottle may be filled up with your loose change, bills or a check made out to CareNet and brought back to HBC on Sunday, June 20th (Father's Day).

The dedicated volunteers at each CareNet center provide accurate information and education to each woman who comes to them facing an unplanned pregnancy. Support is confidential, and women are directed to community support entitlements such as WIC, transitional assistance, and the food stamp program if needed.

Besides the bottle drive fundraiser, CareNet has an ongoing need for donated baby goods - new and "gently used". These donations are distributed to parents-to-be attending CareNet's free parenting classes.

Click here for a video tour of the CareNet Fitchburg facility.