
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

News of Freedom from Straight Ahead Ministries

Kory Capps writes...

"Dalton started coming to Bible study around 7 months ago. He has been steady since that point. During this time frame the Holy Spirit has intervened in his life and brought Dalton to the Lord Jesus Christ where he has learned true freedom. This last Sunday was Dalton's first weekend pass home to be with his family. Daltom persistently urged me to baptize him during this weekend pass. His reason: "I want the world to know what I'm about now."

"So Sunday morning Dalton brought his whole family to our church where wqe celebrated together the work of Christ in his life and baptized him. There is such a freedom and joy now visible in the life of this young man. His family is astonished as well as his old friends. I hope to post this up on our site so you can see it and rejoice with us.


The Capps"

See Cory's post at the Straight Ahead blog here.

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