
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Literacy Class, Day of the Child (Bulgaria)

The 1st of June is celebrated as the ‘Day of the Child’ in Bulgaria. Parents and grandparents take their children out for treats and plan special events. They go to parks, cinemas, concerts, picnics, shops, buy presents, or just spend time together, congratulate the children and tell them how much they love and appreciate them.

Even children who are brought up in orphanages are taken out for a treat by their carers. There is however, a particular type - the very poor Roma kids - who almost never receive any praise, appreciation or treats, let alone on this occasion. As many of you know we work with some of these neglected boys and girls and we decided that for the 1st of June we will plan a special event for them.

So, we took them up to Vitosha Mountain which is a beautiful place only 30 min away from the centre of Sofia. We found a nice green area for picnic and games, arranged for 2 minibuses and 2 cars and went. The children loved it, although it was a bit of a job to teach them how to behave in such places, it was wonderful and it is all part of supporting, caring and loving them.

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