
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

News from Vanessa LaRoche, Pisac, Peru

Vanessa LaRoche is a missionary teacher from Heritage Bible Chapel who is serving for a year in rural Peru.

Ministries of Tambo de Gozo

IPB is going strong!

This month we had the opportunity for our boys to play an exhibition game for Pisac’s semi-pro soccer team, the Pumas. We di-vided the boys into two teams to play soccer be-fore the adults took the field. The Pumas, coached by the father of one of our first graders, played a team led by a very famous coach from Cusco. When the semi-pros took the field each one was holding the hand of one of Tambo’s boys. Many parents came out to watch their sons play and help their daughters cheer.

June 21st was Pisac’s anniversary. To celebrate the town holds an annual parade. Every school and organization of Pisac marches in the parade; Tambo was no exception. Our students spent a few days practicing and did a splendid job representing our school. We carried the Peruvian flag and the flag of Tambo which are the colors of the wordless book.

Chapel has been enriched by four college students from the U.S. this month. These students are working as interns for the Dukes for ten weeks. The kids love them and they are gaining great ministry experience. Groups or individuals are always welcome at Tambo. We’ve already had three groups come and more groups will come every week until August.

God is blessing our ministries mightily! This past month four men accepted Christ at our Tuesday night Bible study. In our teen meetings, over eight teens accepted the Lord. Several of them are soccer players for Tambo. Two women in Ladies Bible Study asked for prayer because they are unsure of their salvation. Pray for Nancy and Pati as we follow up on them.

Faith Sharing Opportunities

In the beginning of this month I had the pleasure of sharing the Gospel with three of the 4th and 5th grade girls. Their names are Nira, Flor, and Paola. Paola has many, many questions, but I think she is close to making a decision to accept Christ. Please pray for these girls, especially Paola.

Another afternoon during the 9 and 11-year-olds soccer practice I had the opportunity to talk with the mother and grandmother of Alonso, a boy who attends Friday children’s meeting. I was able to share with them the purpose for Tambo and all its ministries and give a little of my testimony.

I visited two homes this month with my ministry team. One visit was to encourage a dear lady in our Tuesday Bible study, Anita. Her husband is unsaved and their marriage is struggling. The other was to one of our 3rd graders’ home. Leslie and her parents are unsaved, but they are very open. Pray that as we de-velop this friendship the door will open to sow the seed on fertile soil.

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