
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ministry News and Photos from Brazil

Pastor Geraldo continues his evangelism outreach at Belo Horizonte in Brazil (see pictures below). He writes:

Good evening,

We had a week of hard work here on Belo Horizonte. Our faith has been repeatedly proven, but God has been very gracious to our family and church. A testament of the care of our God was last Monday, after much work with our car and with little gasoline, our fuel ended up on a street with many cars in Belo Horizonte, cars honked behind us, Elaine was with me . But I also had another problem, had no money to buy gasoline. By faith, I pushed the car to the side of the avenue, and went out walking and praying for 15 minutes until a gas station near you. The Elaine was also praying in the car. We ask God for a miracle. We pray that God would move the heart of any brother at that time to deposit some money in our bank so we could supply the car. Arriving at the gas station I phoned the bank again to check the balance and see if the answer of God had arrived. To my delight someone had deposited that very moment, R$ 200 (or U$ 130). I bought petrol and returned to the car running, I put gasoline and after then the car started flow. Hallelujah! Glory to God!

On Wednesday talking to a brother of Florianópolis on skype he told me that on that Monday he was in the bank to make a payment, but the card did not work on self-service, so he had to go to the clerk to pay a account and at that moment he remembered me and my family and had a great desire to put an offer to us before pay account. He did that at exactly the moment that Elaine and I were praying for help for gasoline. He concluded by saying that after making the deposit, the card self-service back to work. When I told him that this offer was the response and provision for us at the moment, he was much edified with the testimony and thanked me. I who had to thank him, but he thanked for having been used by God in that situation. God be praised! We are experiencing the greatest needs in these days, but we're full steam ahead by doing what our God has called us to do. Yesterday Elaine and me got our afternoon in the hospital with sister, Arlinda. She suffered a infarct last week. Yesterday we visit her in the hospital afternoon and were a very blessed time. Pray for her, because she will probably have to pass a heart surgery.

The evangelism today was very blessed; we were me, Elaine, Joel and Natã, many people professed Jesus Christ as Savior. Hallelujah! Please pray with us for evangelism that we will do next week with material for the Jews, to the day commemorating the Jewish New Year.

Pray with us for a provision for our family, we are going through hard days and we need a bailout.

Sending some evangelism photos. Thank you for your love and prayer.

A bigger hug,

Pastor Geraldo, Elaine, Isac, Joel and Natã.

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