
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brazil - Dear Ministry Friend Passes Away

Heritage Bible Chapel received the following news today from our ministry partner, Pastor Geraldo Oliveira of Belo Horizonte, Brazil:

Good evinig dear friends,
I received a sad news today, sad because of the miss, but happy because he is with God. My dear friend Pastor Leonardo lmeznar, went at the Glory last night at a church in Pennsylvania on a mission event. He suffered a heart attack when he was preaching and went to be with the Lord in glory. Pastor Leonardo lmeznar was a great friend and collaborator for many years. He came on several occasions to Belo Horizonte, to visited Sr. Fernando Claussen who also was his great friend and brother. Together, we visited the synagogue, both the traditional as orthodoxy. He had a vision for missions and for more than four years helped my family financially, now nearly 90 years, and serving the Lord went to glory.

Pastor Geraldo (right) with Pastor Leonardo

At the evangelism on the street earlier this year, he was there with us, with his advanced age, but on the street sharing the gospel. He had a great love for the Jewish people. For many years kept a little farm in Rio de Janeiro where
he used to received the Jews in order to share about their Messiah. He was one of the translators of the Hebrew to Portuguese of the Trinitarian Bible. Actually he was a great friend.
Please pray for his family. The relatives know he is in glory, but feeling the longing ache, pray that God comforts your hearts. He went to glory last night in a church in a missionary event and exactly yesterday I shared about the heavens and the return of Jesus Christ. Sending some pictures of the last time Iwas with him this year and last year.

A bigger hug,


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