
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Update from Pastor Ngugi in Kenya

Pastor Ngugi and Family, April, 2012

Greetings in Jesus Name, I trust all is well with you through the gracious hand of the Lord. Personally I am fine together with the family and the church. I have continued to labour for Him in His Vineyard, which is the Church. During the Easter Season we had a great time of celebrating the Resurrection Miracle. I preached two sermon series and expounded that the Resurrection is the ultimate Miracle. By resurrection, God displayed His supremacy over all the forces that causes death, be it diseases, accidents, floods, fires, earthquakes, etc. By resurrection, God mocks the causes of death and assures all who believe in Him that NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD...Rom. 8:38. I have sent you the latest of my family pictures as a way of my family fellowshiping with you through photos. My firstborn daughter Lisper is 18, son Henton 15 and lastborn girl Jewel 12. We have an indescribable gratitude and appreciation for the prayers, support and love you have always shown towards us and the church ministry. With much love I remain. Pastor Francis Ngugi Nairobi/Kenya

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Guatemala Missions Report (Luis Gilbert)

Report of First Trimester Activities in 2012
The Gilbert Cano Family.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Heritage Bible Chapel

May the most rich and abundant blessings be poured out on your lives and families. We won’t tire of giving thanks in the name of Jesus, for your prayers and financial support, as without your help it would not be possible to realize the ministry that the Lord has entrusted to us. You all are an important part of the ministry. I say this on behalf of all the teachers and the students impacted. If get a chance to see the photos on facebook, you will get to enjoy the work that has been realized thus far, and your comments are encouraging and uplifting for us. Sincerely, from the Gilbert family that loves you, Luis and Dora, Joshua, Abigail, Emanuel, his wife, and child, Kaiden.

January 2012.

We realized three workshops, in three different places within Guatemala, Jocotillo, Barbarena and Magdalena Milpas Altas impacting a total of 100 teachers. We collaborated with an association in order to collect school supplies. This was a clown activity for children, and over 1,000 children arrived. We were able to collect school supplies for over 600 children.

February 2012.

4th of February.
We realized a medical mission journey in Jutiapa on the eastern side of Guatemala, in the town of Jocote, where over 200 people were attended to (not counting the children).

From the 18th to the 26th of February.
We accompanied the team from Wooddale Church in order to realize children’s ministry. It was a great experience also for the children that came from Wooddale. We visited 10 schools, presenting the Gospel to more than 2,000 children.

March 2012.

3rd - 4th of March
We realized a training in presenting sports as an evangelistic tool. More than 10 churches were represented with 75 people attending.

God gave us the opportunity to realize three trainings for teachers of children. This took place in Boca del Monte in the Church Capernaum. 35 teachers attended.

From the 16th to the 20th of March.
In Coatan, more than 400 kilometers outside of Guatemala City, we impacted more than 300 children and trained 10 teachers. These 5 days were very blessed.

From the 23rd to the 26th of March.
We traveled to Honduras: beginning the ELI Program there, with over 10 churches represented and 40 teachers attending. Also, we had the opportunity to present the sports ministry.

We have begun to give away some children’s materials on CD, and have given out more than 600 CDs. This has enabled churches to save on the cost of materials as the CDs make printing of materials unnecessary. Your prayers are vital as other churches are also asking for the CDs. Each CD costs $1, and we need more funds to be able to provide this tool.

We would like to ask for your prayers also as we are beginning preparations for the sports ministry conferences in October. This will be focused on motivating the pastors to begin sports programs. We will have Chaplain Oliverio from the Brazil Selection as a conference speaker.

We give thanks to God as He's shown us faithfulness throughout these past 4 years. We have been living off of 70% of our income, and have been giving Him 30% (15% for missions and 15% tithe to our local church). Your prayers would be appreciated so that we can continue to be faithful to Him

-Luis Gilbert

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Update from Pastor Eric Hartlen - Ezra Ministries

To our HBC Church Family, April 1, 2012

Greetings from Maine. Joan and I are certainly praying for God's best for HBC, and one more time we thank you for showing the world how to love a Pastor and his wife. We pray that God's man will come soon, and you will love him as dearly as you have loved us.

In terms of our ministry, things are coming together in several ways.

-We have launched a project that will form a consortium of Churches who will purchase heating oil/gas at a discount price. There are teams of churches being formed in Maine and New Hampshire, and I'm meeting with pastors in Vermont in a week or so.

When the participating churches are identified, I will negotiate a cut price for oil and gas for those churches in the consortium, as well as for Pastors' homes. (Church camps; Christian schools, and Christian camps will also be included)

-A bigger, tougher project will be a consortium approach in purchasing more affordable health care for Pastors in New England. I've resurrected some older corporate relationships who will help pull this together. The Business Development Director of New England Bible College will also be helping me in this project.

Both of these projects will significantly reduce costs, which is a critical issue for small struggling churches.

On the spiritual side, Joan and I will be working with New England pastors and their wives to strengthen, teach and encourage them, and to strengthen churches that, in some cases, are in danger of closing. Our ministry with these churches will include teaching and incorporating some of the spiritual principles we saw the Lord bless at HBC., as well as supporting them in pulpit supply, conferences, etc. as needed.

Check out our new Ezra website- ezraministriesne.com

Our personal e-mail address is changing to pastorerichartlen@gmail.com.

Together in Him,

Joan and Eric

Information About Carenet's Ministry

Pregnancy Resource Center

of North Central Massachusetts, Inc.

Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of North Central Massachusetts, Inc., is a Christian ministry offering free pregnancy tests, limited obstetrical ultrasound, parenting classes and related services to women of childbearing age, as well as support services to their partners and children. Confidential peer counseling is offered in an objective and non-judgmental way to those who need a listening ear and assistance in decision making. Referrals are made as needed for professional counseling, medical and social services not provided by the center.

Abstinence from premarital sexual activity is recommended to single clients as the surest protection against sexually transmitted infections and the prevention of unplanned pregnancy. The center participates in health fairs at local high schools, promoting abstinence until marriage and educating students about the risks of sexually transmitted diseases.

Adoption is presented to clients as a loving choice. The center refers only to licensed adoption agencies for the completion of the adoption process.

Childbirth Education and Parenting classes are offered to clients. Information is provided about pregnancy, labor and delivery, early childhood development, and child discipline and training. Classes are open to men and women. Clients are often referred by the Department of Children and Families and other agencies. This is an “earn while you learn” program. Upon completion of the classes, clients are able to “purchase” new baby items from the Baby Boutique. Items stocked include diapers, infant to 2T clothing and general baby care items. Gently used maternity and infant clothing is available to anyone in need regardless of class attendance.

Abortion Recovery - Care Net PRC realizes that the choice for abortion can cause emotional stress and grief. Abortion statistics show that 43% of women have had at least one abortion by age 45. We offer post abortion support through a series called P.A.C.E. (Post Abortion Care & Education) that can assist in the healing process.

Twenty-Four Hour Help Line - By dialing 800-395-HELP, our clients can be helped 24/7 by trained peer counselors. During business hours local callers are directed to our phone lines.

Web Sites - www.carenetfitchburg.net and www.friendsofcarenetfitchburg.org

National Affiliation – This center is an affiliate of Care Net which is based in Virginia. They provide policy and procedure recommendations and standards of care. The center is also an affiliate of NIFLA (National Institute of Family and Life Advocates) whose headquarters are also based in Virginia. NIFLA provides excellent medical clinic guidelines and legal oversight.

Local Information - The center is a 501(c) (3) with all services offered at no cost to the client. We have been in operation in Fitchburg since 1976. The present staff and board represent many different Christian church denominations. The center is a member of the North Central Mass Chamber of Commerce. We are supported by local individuals, churches and businesses. The national affiliations do not provide funding.

Licensed Medical Clinic – Care Net PRC is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health as a medical clinic offering pregnancy testing and limited obstetrical ultrasound services.

Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center, out of concern for the health of women and the value of all human life does not refer for abortion services.

Carenet Annual Baby Bottle Drive

of North Central Massachusetts, Inc.

Our Annual Baby Bottle Drive begins today.

Mother’s Day May 13, 2012

Please take a baby bottle home with you.

Fill the bottle with loose change and return it to church.

All your giving goes directly to this ministry of

loving women in the crisis of unplanned pregnancies.

Our mission is to love them with gentle compassion and to tell them the truth.

We cannot do it without you.

Thank you for your precious partnership with us. We do not take it for granted. May God bless you and keep you.

"Save some change, make some change."

PO Box511, 515 Main Street, Fitchburg, MA. 01420

978-342-4244 (phone)



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

S.O.S. Ministries Missions News (March 24th, 2012)

Dear Friends of S.O.S. Ministries,

I am reminded recently of the charge Jesus gave His followers: "be fishers of men". The purpose of fishing is to catch a fish; the purpose of evangelism is to catch a soul. If this is true, then why as one man put it, instead of becoming "fishers of men" have we become "observers of the fish tank"? It is much safer and not as much work, to observe and examine what mankind is doing and believing, rather than to engage and evangelize mankind with the Gospel of truth. King Agrippa understood very well Paul's intentions of evangelizing; it was not to take note and observe the way King Agrippa was living or what he was believing; but rather it was to "persuade me to be a Christian". (Acts 26:28) The Lord continues to pour that Spirit into those who labor for the Gospel with S.O.S. Ministries. Here's how...


Our ministry to international students and Muslims is continuing to grow by the grace of God. And sometimes it seems like the two ministries are becoming one in the same. Last weekend, two Muslim international students visited one of our supporting churches as part of a college school project about Christianity. They attended the whole church service and spent thirty minutes interviewing the pastor with all kinds of questions for their assignment. At one point, it was clear that they were done with the interview for the project, yet they continued asking questions as the pastor preached and explained Christ to them. It's interesting that God would use a secular class on religion as an opportunity for these two young men to hear the gospel!

Later, they went to lunch with the pastor and his family. Afterward, one of the Muslims said that he enjoyed his time and that he "learned a lot". Because of the love they were shown, this will probably not be the last time they attend church. This is what it means to show hospitality and to engage the nations with the gospel. It means befriending, inviting, and caring for the foreigner and the stranger as the Lord has commanded us.

Leviticus 19:34 "The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself".

Meanwhile in the Muslim ministry, our women just had the first in a series of discussions with women at the mosque about the life of the prophet Moses. The women on both sides are extremely excited about this opportunity. And the ministry in Orlando will continue today (Saturday, 3/24) as we continue our dialogue with students and teachers from an Islamic school. This ministry is reminiscent of Paul's time in Athens in Acts 17, when he reasoned in the synagogue and in the marketplace day by day.

Pray that God will continue to open doors in our ministry to the international students, and that He would also show us favor in the Muslim community as we reason with them and implore them to be reconciled to God.


Just to show how hard African living can be - Shino (a new convert being trained by S.O.S. to be an elder), who lost his wife a month after he was saved also lost his mother. On March 2nd, his mother was not responding or breathing, and with no medical personnel in the family, she was presumed dead. While in the process of burying her, someone cried out, "She is breathing, she is alive!" Apparently, she had a stroke, and since there are no 911 calls, no ambulance, and no breathing her family declared her dead. How hard is life in Nigeria, this family almost accidently buried their mother alive! Unfortunately, several days later, the stroke took her life and she was buried. How difficult it must be for a newborn believer in Christ to have to bury his wife and mom in only six months!

Gathering Sunday for worship in Akankan continues to be powerful. Praise the Lord that representatives from four neighboring villages are now coming to put themselves under the authority of God's Word. There is a small remnant still fighting the good fight. All those baptized are still coming and walking in the Lord. However, the stumbling blocks continue as well. Not just Islam, but the worship of the gods of Africa (Animism) is still luring people away from truth and faith in Christ. At the village's water source, we observed two broken pots used for sacrificing to the gods, calling on them to purify the water. They are doing this because we still have not found a company that has a strong enough drill bit to break through the bed-rock and give them fresh drinking water. The funds are there, but not the proper equipment. In spite of this, those who are truly in Christ are pressing on. When we preached on the Water of Life that Christ offers, the believers overwhelmingly cried out that they needed Christ more than they needed drinking water.

Praying for a water well in Akankan

When asked how we can pray for members of this new church plant, here were two replies: Owolabi asked for prayer that he would be able to preach God's Word, and that the Lord would make him stand in Him for the rest of his life. Amoke asked for prayer that the children would come to faith and that God would give her strength.

Amazing Testimony in Makoko, the water village - S.O.S. has been praying and considering where the Lord would call us next to bring His Good News to the surrounding countries of Nigeria, specifically Benin and Ghana.

Discussing ministry with Noah

In those two countries they do not speak the main languages of Nigeria, but in French and their own dialect. Knowing this would be a concern, we were praying.Noah, the first known convert in Makoko, is being discipled by Gbenga. As I spoke with him and asked him to pray with S.O.S. regarding going into Ghana and Benin, he responded by saying, "I am from Ghana, I speak their language!" Come to find out, he migrated to Nigeria in search of a "better life", only to find a worse one in Makoko. But what he did find, rather what found him, was Jesus Christ! Please pray with us as he is being discipled in the ways of the Lord that if the Lord would will, He would send Noah back to his people to preach and plant churches in the Muslim dominated countries of Benin and Ghana.

Remarkable Salvation in Otere - After three years of preaching, without a single known covert, the Lord chose to open the eyes of eight Muslims and draw them to Himself. The day the team went into the village we split the men and women with children. Five of us directed our attention to the men, where we spent the next three hours "reasoning with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that Christ had to suffer and rise again." (Acts 17:2-3) There were a num

The chief of Otere

ber of distractions with the primary one coming from a father and son, who were bent on the greatest need Nigeria had was money, not Christ... imagine that, a 'prosperity gospel' Muslim! But even with their outbursts, at the end of the preaching, eight men got on their knees andcalled out to Jesus, "have mercy on us sinners through your blood". They made this confession in front of other Muslims, including the chief. This is extraordinary.

So be encouraged that our great God continues to save people out of the religion that has brought us Christians so much suffering. Immediately, the new believers vowed to come to a new believer's class that Gbenga and Dapo (S.O.S.'s indigenous leaders) will be teaching. Our dear friend, the chief, still has not confessed Christ.Please continue to pray for him and for our new brothers in Christ!

UPDATE on ORPHANAGE MINISTRY - While I was in Jos, Nigeria, the other 16 members of the team were ministering in the orphanage. The report the team shared with me of the impact they had on these precious kids was not the hugs, or gifts, ortears cried saying good-bye. Rather, it was the glorious news that three of the older ones came to faith in Christ as a result of teaching the Bible. Remember, just because they are children of martyrs, the persecutor is not the only one in need of salvation! These orphans, who are of age, need to come to receive and believe in Christ and walk in His ways. Yes, we pray and wish they all could be adopted into a loving home,but praise God, He is adopting some into His family! They truly can call on Him as "Abba Father". Pray for their growth, comfort, and for-bearing with one another in such close living quarters.

Jos, Nigeria may be the most dangerous city for Christians on the face of the earth. The report coming out of Jos is that believers are so terrified that no one is bold enough to preach to Muslims. Consider: Muslims are absolutely torturing Christians, with no one to preach to them. The logical fallacy is, if this is what is happening to us now, then imagine if we were to preach to them? For the record, this is what the Lord called S.O.S. to do: to encourage the body of Christ to stand firm and proclaim freedom in Christ to Muslims.

Distributing aid packets to our suffering brothers and sisters

Tumultuous Times - Even S.O.S.'s landlord in Nigeria (remember, we are renting as we do not have funds for a facility yet) is terrified of Muslims as well. The day before the team arrived, he informed me that he was afraid of what Muslims would do to him if he let us stay there, and consequently we could not stay in the place we have already paid rent for. We tried to reason with him that we did not have enough time to make other arrangements, but he was adamant that we could not stay at our rented apartments. Many, many in Nigeria are living in this kind of fear.

The irony is true - Muslims are putting terror into the hearts of people. But consider - when they die without Christ they will stand before God Almighty and be terrified themselves! For "it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Heb. 10:31) This should cause us to have pity on them and pray they believe and come to faith in Christ!

The wreckage of the car

Our Ministry in Jos - to encourage the suffering saints and to preach to Muslims (regardless of those who fear man). In what has become an all too familiar storyline, just a few days before we arrived, there was yet another attack. Trying to escape the tyranny of the Muslims, 300 of our brothers and sisters were gathered to worship in the early morning hours on February 26th. The service was quickly interrupted by a car traveling at high speed. The bomb inside the car detonated just 50 feet away from the people. The scene was more graphic than what pictures can describe. There we stood in the rubble yet again. As the tears relentless flowed from my eyes, I understood why Jesus wept over Lazarus' death, I understood why Christ wept over Jerusalem missing their day of visitation (Luke 19:41,44).

At the bomb blast site, I actually stumbled into the crater in the ground that was created by the car explosion. As I gazed around, comforting those still shaken by the devastation, I looked down and picked up a bulletin from that morning service, half burnt and barely recognizable. The sermon title was: The Word Gives Life. Yes it is true, as the text to be taught from was John 5:24-26, that indeed in Christ we have crossed over from "death to life". However, at that moment I was distressed by the great paradox: The Word does bring life, but that day the Word brought death! Many Christians do not want to reflect on or consider that The Word Brings Death, it brings hardship, suffering, and persecution. The teaching of Jesus in John 15 could not be clearer, "if the world hates you, remember it hated me first...if they persecute me they will persecute you." (vs. 18,20) That message was never preached that day, so perhaps the next time I am given the opportunity it will be good to preach that message, in honor of the many that perished for their faith.

In the middle of the rubble where the car that was detonated lie mangled and disintegrated, we prayed, "Loving Father, help us to stand firm; they can bomb our churches, they can rape our women, they can burn our homes, they can torture us in prison...but the Gospel message of Christ will prevail, Your Kingdom will advance, and nothing, nothing 'will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord'"! Amen.

UPDATE on BIGGEST NEED IN NIGERIA MISSION - Is for Gbenga, S.O.S.'s indigenous leader, to be full time relinquishing his tent-making job. It will take $450 a month for this to happen. Please pray the Lord would provide this. As one person put it, that is about the cost of a car payment in the USA.

UPDATE on SECOND BIGGEST NEED IN NIGERIA - Is for S.O.S. to be self-sufficient and self-contained. In other words, to have a facility (identical to the "La Esperanza" structures many of you know and appreciate in Latin America), so we do not have to be concerned with landlords who fear man more than God. Cost for this will be around $95,000. Please pray the Lord will provide.

Grace to you,

Mike Schadt

Founder S.O.S. Ministries

Upcoming Events
  • Orlando Muslim Gathering - Saturday, March 24th
  • College Luncheon for International Students - Tuesday, March 27th
  • Latin America Mission Trip - March 30th (Purpose: Disciple indigenous leadership team; ladies conference in two countries; skilled men to help with the facilities; evangelize the lost)
  • Tampa Muslim Gathering - Tuesday, April 17th
  • College Luncheon for International Students - Tuesday, April 24th
  • Nigeria Mission Trip - May 20th (Disciple indigenous leadership team; disciple new believers; evangelize the lost)
  • Summer Missions Teams to Latin America - July 6 - 13; July 10 - 20; July 20 - Aug 1

    If you are interested, please inquire... even if you desire to spend the whole month of July serving the Lord with S.O.S.

Ministry Info...

S.O.S. Ministries
P.O. Box 16712
Clearwater, FL 33766

SOS Panoramic World