
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Update from Pastor Ngugi in Kenya

Pastor Ngugi and Family, April, 2012

Greetings in Jesus Name, I trust all is well with you through the gracious hand of the Lord. Personally I am fine together with the family and the church. I have continued to labour for Him in His Vineyard, which is the Church. During the Easter Season we had a great time of celebrating the Resurrection Miracle. I preached two sermon series and expounded that the Resurrection is the ultimate Miracle. By resurrection, God displayed His supremacy over all the forces that causes death, be it diseases, accidents, floods, fires, earthquakes, etc. By resurrection, God mocks the causes of death and assures all who believe in Him that NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD...Rom. 8:38. I have sent you the latest of my family pictures as a way of my family fellowshiping with you through photos. My firstborn daughter Lisper is 18, son Henton 15 and lastborn girl Jewel 12. We have an indescribable gratitude and appreciation for the prayers, support and love you have always shown towards us and the church ministry. With much love I remain. Pastor Francis Ngugi Nairobi/Kenya

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